How can a small group of equals decide?

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How does a small group of equals decide

How can you attain autonomy when you can not decide for yourself as a collective

It may seem easy and be much harder in practice. It may seem very hard but all it takes is a good agreement from the start. Are we willing to discuss this first step to … anything? If we can’t solve this problem, attempting to solve something big, society wide, world-wide, state-wide, county-wide, is impossible. Or if there was a solution it will have to be enforced on everyone from some central authority. We have been conditioned to think of political matters as large scale problems for large scale parts of the population. Those are the problems rulers must propose to solve for everyone, not our problems. We are committed to equality, at work, at home, while eating, and while being cold/hot, while being sick, and while trying to learn or make something. How do we do this?

Those who are trained in “reaction” to activism, they will bring up “the individual”, who by no means should be oppressed by the “collective”. Those reactionaries, the individualists, fail to ever explain how and why this is a practical problem. Although with the exception of very few individuals, recognized globally for having too much wealth or too much power, the rest of the individuals are both oppressed, exploited, have injustice done on them, they are used and abused. If they are not, … no wonder they are worried about the rest getting organized and acting as a collective.

When we say “we” will act against the individual as vicious communists that we are (non-authoritarian communists that is), what are we thinking? Deciding on whether a woman should/shouldn’t remove something growing in her womb? Are we talking about whether the individual can climb hills, trees, or dive in the lake? Whether they should play cello or the trombone? Whether they should live in a basement or in the greenhouse, or the stable? Whether they should be in bed only with such people and not with others? It is hard for me to even conceive such kind of involvement, who the hell cares what anyone does, as long as we organize our common problem-solutions. How we eat what, how we ensure minimal shelter, health care, access to information and training, public health and safety stuff, like clean water, sewage, …

So let’s pretend we are a tiny little village in a far away place nobody even cares to come by. How do we work together without stepping on each others toes but we help each other to provide the minimal necessities for all, as equally as we can.

I say (let’s forget the century and a half bibliography on the subject, we are starting from zero), we think of minimal things to agree on to start. The most minimal of agreement, the details we follow.

Questions to be answered

Hard, simple, easy, impossible? @Digit
@Kerry (kokanee) @Reverend Elvis
#communalism #libertarian #anti-capitalism #communism

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